“To achieve the highest accomplishments within the scope of our capabilities in all walks of life, we must constantly strive to acquire strong, healthy bodies and develop our minds to the limit of our ability”

- Joseph Pilates - Return to life through Contrology

Monday, 30 January 2012

Pilates Exercise of the Day!

Hamstring Pull

This is a great ab workout plus a very nice stretch for tight hammies.

Muscle Focus:



Strengthen abdominals
Develop pelvic stabilisation
Increase hamstring and hip flexor flexibility

Starting position:

Lie on your back and bring your legs up to table top position and then pull yourself up into a chest lift and straighten your legs.


Place your hands behind your one legs knee and lower the other leg down hovering off the mat.

Exhale: Pull your leg closer in to your chest deepening your core contraction doing two pulses...Exhale two small puffs on each pulse.
Inhale: change legs still keeping in a chest lift position.
Exhale: Pulse leg twice towards yourself still exhaling small puffs on each pulse.

so Its Exhale(pulse)exhale(pulse) Inhale (swap), exhale(pulse)exhale(pulse)

 Try 6-8 on each leg

Keep your hands behind your knees if your flexibility will allow it.
Keep lumbar spine in the mat on the changes
Keep your neck and shoulders relaxed even though they are up in a chest lift position.

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