“To achieve the highest accomplishments within the scope of our capabilities in all walks of life, we must constantly strive to acquire strong, healthy bodies and develop our minds to the limit of our ability”

- Joseph Pilates - Return to life through Contrology

Friday 27 April 2012

Some of my studios equipment

Mat work and equipment work are both great fun and I always share mat work exercises but never really any machine work so here are some pictures of what can be done on my reformer and wunda chair :)

 This is my FAVOURITE!!!! Its a great hammie stretch.


Abs! Abs! ABS!

Damn it is super hard to work your lower abs and your upper abs at the same time but I have just the exercise for you!! I love doing it and it is even nice to do after doing a set of chest lifts because then you really feel the burn in your upper abs.

Starting Position:

Start with your hands behind your head and your head, neck and shoulders in a chest lift keeping your shoulder blades off the ground and then your legs extended out to 45 degrees. If your back does arch in this position take your legs up higher and closer to 90 degrees instead of lower to the ground.


Inhale: Prepare
Exhale: Increase your crunch and curl your legs in to table top or into your chest.
Inhale: Extend back to starting position by slowly curling your back down on the mat and legs to 45 degrees on the height you feel  comfortable with.

Repeat 15 to 20 times.


If you have a very arched back concentrate really hard on not arching your back and keeping your legs closer to 90 degrees than lower to avoid a back injury!


If you curl your tail bone up nice and high when you pull your legs to table top the more your lower abs will work.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Interesting Fact

Studies have linked a high fibre diet to a longer lifespan, reduced risk of breast cancer and many other health benefits.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Fun Fact

26 grams of fat in some of the larger sized popcorn boxes of oil popped popcorn at the cinemas. This adds up to as many kilojuoles as a Mcdonalds Cheeseburger and Medium chips. Ouch...Im staying away from oil popped popcorn for a while ;)

Saturday 7 April 2012

Leg Circles in a Shoulder Bridge Position


Hip Extensors


Core strength
Hamstring strength and length
Abdominal strength
Pelvic Stability
Hip mobility

Starting Position:

Lie on your back with your knees bent, heels close to your tailbone and your arms by your side reaching towards your heels.


Inhale: Prepare
Exhale: Pelvic Curl up 1 vertebrae at a time until you are on your shoulders
Inhale: Extend 1 leg up into the air as straight as you can.
Exhale Pause
Inhale: Slightly lower your leg to the side.
Exhale: Complete your circle

Repeat 8 times in each direction.

Inhale on the last complete circle
Exhale: Lower leg down.

Repeat on your other side.

Do Not:

Let pelvic drop
Over extend your spine


Keep your pelvic and abdominals stable
Keep the range of movement controlled and small.