“To achieve the highest accomplishments within the scope of our capabilities in all walks of life, we must constantly strive to acquire strong, healthy bodies and develop our minds to the limit of our ability”

- Joseph Pilates - Return to life through Contrology

Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Pilates Exercise of the Day!

Spine Twist

Starting position:

Sitting up. Spine extended. Legs extended and hip distance apart with feet flexed.
Arms extended out to a T position at shoulder height and palms facing forward.


Upper back extensors


Core Stability
Spinal strength
Oblique Strength


inhale: To prepare
Exhale and twist your torso to one side as far as you can.
Exhale: Deepen rotation.
Inhale: Return to centre.

Repeat on other side. 3 on each side.


Don't allow hips to twist
Don't allow upper back to go into flexion.


Maintain abdominal control by narrowing the pelvis.
Sit upright.
Rotate from the waist.
Keep feet flexed.
Keep your neck in line with your spine.
Keep your eye line slightly upward.

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