“To achieve the highest accomplishments within the scope of our capabilities in all walks of life, we must constantly strive to acquire strong, healthy bodies and develop our minds to the limit of our ability”

- Joseph Pilates - Return to life through Contrology

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Weight,fat percentage,body water percentage..such a complicated thing!!

I have been looking at scales and the one says you weigh this much and the other says you weigh this much but I never know which one is actually the accurate one. So now I have one of those really cool scales that you put your age and your height in and then it measures your weight, body fat percentage and your body water and out of all the things in my opinon I have found that measuring your body fat is actually the most accurate way to monitor your body. I have gone by the bmi calculations and even those aren't that accurate because they always say I'm under weight which is wrong because I'm on a normal weight and when i do the body fat calculations it is always accurate to what it should be. To test your body fat there is a few different ways but the two most used ones are with callipers which is hard because you have to keep going in to have it done and then the scale that I have. So now I'm going according to my fat percentage and my body water percentage.

If you have one of these cool scales you should know that men should have between 15 - 18 percent body fat and a women between 20-25 percent and for body water men should have 55 percent and women 51 percent. Right now my body fat is slightly high but still in the range it should be in so now instead of working on weight loss I'll be working on fat loss.

Oh just before you go out to buy one of these scales I just want to add that if you do have a pacemaker or any other implanted device you shouldn't use this scale at all. The reason for this is because in order for it to measure your body fat and water it sends an electric current through your body and does its calculations depending on the speed the currents pass through your body

Monday, 23 July 2012


Did you know that when you are craving something it means your body is lacking something on the inside?? Ok I must agree that sometimes its just plain boredom and getting cold now that it is winter but usually it does mean your body needs something.

So here is a list of things and what healthy option you can have instead of the unhealthy option.

If you crave:          What your body needs:          Healthy Option:

Sweets                      Chronium                          Broccoli,grapes,cheese,chicken,beef
                                 Carbon                             eggs,liver,fish,dairy,nuts,cranberries,turkey,
                                 Phosphorus                       cabbage,sweet potato and spinach

Bread                        Nitrogen                           Anything high in protein so fish,meat, nuts 
                                                                          and beans

Fatty snacks              Calcium                            Cheese,mustard,broccoli and sesame
like chips 

Coffee                        Phosphorus                      Chicken,beef,liver,fish,eggs,dairy,nuts,
                                   Sulphur                            legumes,red peppers,onions,garlic,meat,
                                   Salt                                  veggies,salt,apple cider vinegar,seaweed.

Alcohol                        Protein                             Meat,seafood,nuts,granola,oatmeal,
                                    Avenin                             mustard,broccoli,cheese,sesame,kale,
                                    Calcium                           raw cabbage juice,black olives,

                                    Glutamin                          potato peel broth,seaweed,bitter greens

Carbonated Drinks       Calcium                            Mustard,turnip greens,broccoli,kale,

Salty foods                   Chloride                            Fish,unrefined sea salt and goats milk

Tobacco                        Silicon                              Nuts,seeds,orange,green and red fruits
                                      Tyrosine                           and veg

Home Remedies for Mosquito bites

Summer is something like 2 months away!!! Yipppeeee! Only down side is that mosquito's come out to play and if you are unlucky like me you get eaten away by them so I found a few home remedies to relieve the itch of the bites. I haven't tried them yet but i hope it works.

  • Lemon Juice
  • Baking Soda paste
  • Banana peel
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Lavender and tea tree oil
  • Asprin

Hope they work :)

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Egg Plant

I found this nice nutrition page on facebook that adds these cool information pictures with just about everything you would like to know about fruits and veg so I'll be sharing them with you each time they pop up :)